We celebrate this year the act -- and ART -- of Engagement!


Participate in the democratic process with joy, action, & conviction!

Collaborate with your friends & neighbors to make the world you want to see.

"It takes a village..."  Be a part of that Village!

Celebrate global - and local - street band music & spectacle culture with us, October 9 - 19, 2024.
Activate our streets, parks, plazas, & public spaces with creativity!

We are blessed with so many great bands, performers, & makers. 

Who better than to lead the parade during a time of such transition but artists?

HONK! The Vote is a Call To Action.

Make Some Noise for Self-Determination & Civic Engagement this Election Year!

Our 2024 Poster Artist

Molly Crabapple

I got my start drawing at underground burlesque shows, and became a journalist on the frontlines of Occupy Wall Street. I have reported with words and art from Ukraine, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Greek refugee camps, the US-Mexican border, and Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, for places like The New York Times, New York Review of Books, The Paris Review, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, and The New Yorker. My work has been nominated for a National Book Award and three Emmys. I've done animations with AOC and Jay Z. My work is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art.